Gestüt Bonhomme


International Grand Prix Star

Date of birth2009
Height170 cm
Stud fee650,- €
p.p. frozen semen plus VAT
Video Preview of Fiderdance

Pedigree Fidertanz × Don Schufro × Sandro Hit × A jungle Prince

Fidertanz Fidermark I Florestan I
St.Pr. Reine Freunde Ravallo
St.Pr. Frühlingssonne
Donna Don Schufro Donnerhall
El.St. Fiesta
Shakira Sandro Hit
St.Pr. A Jungle Lady v. A jungle Prince


Highly modern appearance paired with a striking mechanic of movement, light-footedness and elegance – Simply a very special championship stallion! Fiderdance presents himself as outstanding world-class athlete.

Fiderdance is truly made for championships! This was proven impressively by him under the saddle of Simone Pearce at the World Equestrian Games in the Dutch Herning in 2022. Together they finished the Grand Prix with a placing among the top 20 from all around the world. Furthermore, Fiderdance and Simone made it to achieve the needed result for a timely qualifying of the Australian team for the 2024’ Olympics Games in Paris/FRA. In 2023 Fiderdance thrilled with an outstanding performance and 7th place in GP Freestyle at the World Cup final in Omaha/USA.

In the 5* Grand Prix Tour of the prestigious CHIO Aachen, Fiderdance and Simone underlined again, that they definitely belong to the world’s best. In a group of extremely well-performing competitors they made it to reach the Grand Prix freestyle final by achieving to placings before. Currently Fiderdance thrills under the saddle of German U25 Team-European Champion Moritz Treffinger. Among a lot of top placings, they claimed victory in GP and GP Freestyle of U25 Tour in Salzburg/Austria with a personal best of almost 77 %.

2019 Fiderdance was ranked silver in the final of the prestigious Louisdor Trophy, the most important series for up-and-coming Grand Prix horses in the Frankfurt Festhalle. 2016 Fiderdance entered the final of the renowned Nürnberger Burgpokal and became the most succelful seven-year-old stallion in Germany, beeing placed 8th.

Due to his charisma, his three excellent basic gaits, his ideal freedom of shoulder and his serene character he belongs to the most exceptional stallions. Striking and unique! These are the words describing best the extraordinary willingness to perform and rideability of this stallion.

His foals distinguish themselves by long-legged modernity as well as excellent quality of movements and freedom of the shoulders. Also under the saddle, the offspring please with exquisite elegance and rideability passed on resoundingly by their sire Fiderdance. His eldest offspring compete successfully in tests for young dressage horses. In 2018, his son Fidelity impressed at the Oldenburg licensing with an outstanding basic quality and received the coveted license. Fidelity became the Reserve-Oldenburg state champion in Rastede later on.

In the pedigree the currently most popular sires of dressage horse breeding are united: Sire Fidertanz, NRW Champion Stallion, stallion performance test winner, Vice Bundeschampion and main premium winner, is successful in Grand Prix classes. He presented about 60 licensed sons. More than 165 of them have already achieved placings in advanced (S) level dressage classes.

The dam’s sire Don Schufro ranks as ingenious sire, being ranked on top of FN’s estimated breeding value statistics ten times. He himself competed highly successful in international Grand Prix classes, became Danish Champion in 2008 and crowned his sports career with the team bronze medal at the 2008′ Olympic Games. The most famous horses among his offspring Weihegold OLD, Olympic team gold medalist and individual silver medalist with Isabell Werth.

The pedigree is rounded by great grandsire Sandro Hit. He presents also an ingenious breeding record with numerous licensed sons, eleven Bundeschampions and countless top sport horses.

The further dam line is known for 50 licensed stallions such as Dobrock, Donatelli I and II and Placido as well as highly successful sport horses, including  the winner of the Nürnberger Burgpokal Trophy Blind Date by Breitling under Victoria Max Theurer.

WFFS status: positive (carrier)

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  • victorious international U25-Grand Prix Freestyle, 76,940 %, CDI Salzburg/Österreich
  • victorious international U25-Grand Prix, 71,718 %, CDI Salzburg/Österreich
  • 3rd place Grand Prix Freestyle, 77,417 %, Ising
  • 3rd place Grand Prix, 71,367 %, Ising
  • 2nd place Grand Prix, 70,600 %, Görlitz
  • 4th place Intermediaire II, U25 Piaff Förderpreis, Longines Balve Optimum
  • victorious FEI Intermediaire II, 71,294 %, CDIU25 Piaff Förderpreis, Maimarkt Mannheim
  • 2nd place U25-Grand Prix, Sichtung Piaff-Förderpreis, DOKR Warendorf
  • 2nd place Grand Prix, 71,067 %, Ingolstadt Gut Winkelacker
  • victorious Intermediaire II, 73,158 %, Ingolstadt Gut Winkelacker
  • 7th place international Grand Prix Freestyle FEI World Cup Final, 76,575 %, CDI5* Omaha/USA
  • 7th place international Grand Prix FEI World Cup Final, 71,320 %, CDI5* Omaha/USA
  • 7th place international Grand Prix Freestyle FEI World Cup, 78,054 %, CDI5* Neumünster Weltcup
  • 7th place international Grand Prix Freestyle FEI World Cup, 76,320 %, CDI5* London Olympia Horse Show
  • 6th place international Grand Prix FEI World Cup, 72,632 %, CDI5* London Olympia Horse Show
  • 2nd place international Grand Prix Freestyle, 78,565 %, CDI3* Ermelo/NED
  • 3rd place international Grand Prix, 71,609 %, CDI3* Ermelo/NED
  • 8th place Nations Cup Team Australia, FEI World Equestrian Games Herning 2022
  • 19th place international Grand Prix, 73,463 %, FEI World Equestrian Games Herning 2022
  • 11th place international Grand Prix, 72,936 %, CDI5*, CHIO Aachen
  • 15th place international Grand Prix Freestyle, 74,920 %, CDI5*, CHIO Aachen
  • victorious international Grand Prix Special, 71,809 %, CDI3* Ornago, Italy
  • victoroius international Grand Prix, 70,587 %, CDI3* Ornago, Italy
  • victorious international Grand Prix, CDI3* Olomouc, Tschech Republic
  • 3rd place international Grand Prix Special, CDI3* Olomouc, Tschech Republic
  • 7th place international Grand Prix Freestyle, 77,500 %, CDI5* Herning, Denmark
  • 9th place international Grand Prix Freestyle, 76,960 %, CDI-Worldcup Neumünster
  • 4th place international Grand Prix Freestyle, 76,000 %, CDI-Weltcup Zakrzów, Polen
  • 3rd place international short Grand Prix, 72,079 %, CDI-Weltcup Zakrzów, Polen
  • 4th place international Grand Prix Special, 73,447 % CDI4* CHIO Aachen
  • 10th place international Grand Prix, 72,043 % CDI4* CHIO Aachen
  • 3rd place international Grand Prix, 71,804 %, CDI3* Herzlake
  • 5th place international Grand Prix Kür, 76,855 %, CDI4* Kronberg
  • 4th place internationaler Grand Prix, 74,217 %, CDI4* Kronberg
  • 2nd place international Grand Prix Freestyle, 76,140 %, CDI4* München international
  • 4th place international Grand Prix Special, 72,957 %, CDI4* Mannheimer Maimarktturnier
  • 8th place international Grand Prix, 71,804 %, CDI4* Mannheimer Maimarktturnier
  • 2nd place international Grand Prix, 74,065%, CDI3* Salzburg/AUT
  • 2nd place international Grand Prix Special, 73,532 %, CDI3* Salzburg/AUT
  • 4th place international Grand Prix, 71,712 %, CDI4* Signal Iduna Cup Dortmund Westfalenhallen
  • 2nd place Grand Prix Special, 71,830 %, Zweibrücken
  • victorious S***-dressage, 72,752 %, Zweibrücken
  • 2nd place in the final of Louisdor Preis, Grand Prix, 72,300 %, Frankfurter Festhalle
  • 3rd in the warming up for the final of Louisdor Preis, 73,395 Prozent, Frankfurter Festhalle
  • victorious in Intermediaire II, Kreuth
  • victorious in Intermediaire II, 74,386 Prozent, Adelheidsdorf
  • victorious in Grand Prix, Wintermühle Neu-Anspach
  • victorious in Grand Prix, 72,880 %, Meggle Champion of Honour, Werder
  • Fiderdance qualifies for the final of Louisdor-Preis (most important series for young Grand Prix horses in Germany)
  • 2nd place in his first Grand Prix de Dressage, Redefin
  • victorious in advanced (S***) level dressage class in Braunschweig
  • licensed son "Fidelity" at the Oldenburg stallion days in Vechta
  • 3rd place short Grand Prix, qualification for the "Louisdor Preis"
  • victorious in his first short Grand Prix, Isernhagen
  • victorious in Intermediaire II, qualification for the "Stars von Morgen"
  • victorious in Intermediaire II, Wernsdorf
  • 4th place in his first Intermediaire II at the K+K Cup in Münster
  • 4th place in an Intermediaire II and 5th place in an advanced (S***) level dressage test at the Derby dressage Cup in Dortmund
  • 8th place in the final of the Nürnberger Burgpokal, Festhalle Frankfurt
  • victorious in a Prix St. Georges Special
  • 4th place in a Prix St. Georges in Wiesbaden
  • 7th place in an Intermediaire I in Wiesbaden
  • 2nd place in the qualifier for the Nürnberger Burgpokal in Verden
  • 2nd place in a medium (M**) level dressage test
  • victorious in the qualifier for the Bundeschampionat with a score of 8.2
  • victorious and placed with the best in elementary (L) tests for young dressage horses
  • victorious and placed with the best in novice (A) tests for young dressage horses
  • 30-day test in Schlieckau: Dressage score of 8.3 with subscores of 9.0 for willingness to work and constitution as well as 8.5 for walk

Approved for

Oldenburg (OL), Westphalia, Southern German studbooks, Rhineland, Poland, Baden-Württemberg, Bavarian, Brandenburg-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen-Thüringen

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