Stallion Presentations in 2019
For ticket orders please use this order form.
15 February 2019, 7 pm at the Oldenburger Pferde Zentrum Vechta:
Cooperation with Dressurpferdeleistungszentrum Lodbergen and Gestüt Westfalenhof.
Please place your ticket order (seats á 10.00 Euro / standing tickets á 5.00 Euro) with Bonhomme stud by 1 February 2019. The entry fee for the tickets must be paid directly with the order. We hope that you will show understanding that we have to follow the principle “first come, first serve”.
23 February 2019, 2 pm at Bonhomme stud:
On the occasion of the stallion presentation at Bonhomme stud the entire stallion collection will be presented. Traditionally, we invite you to be our guest for the breeders brunch starting 12.30 pm. The brunch and entry is free of charge. For organizational reasons we kindly ask you to register for the event by 21 February 2019.
We wish you all a successful breeding season 2019!
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Cadeau Noir took victory in advanced (S*) dressage class, Fiderdance won advanced (S***) dressage class
After the fantastic results at the K+K Cup in Münster the series of success could be continued in Braunschweig. Lena Waldmann won with Cadeau Noir the advanced (S*) dressage class with a result over 70%. In the same class she also placed fourth with Sandro’s Song by Sandro Song.
Then, in the three-star advanced (S***) dressage class, Lena took the victory with Fiderdance, receiving a result of 72%. Furthermore, she also took second place for Bonhomme stud in the saddle of Sir Liberty by Sir Landadel.
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Morricone made a top debut in advanced (S*) class
What an incredible horse! Morricone and Lena Waldmann made us all speechless! Just reaching the age of seven, he inspires in his very first advanced (S*) dressage class with a result of 72 percent in a group of strong competitors in the Yougster Tour of the K+K Cup in Münster! Morricone took fourth place, finishing as best seven-year old horse. In the final of the Youngster Tour the pair confirmed their extraordinary performance again with a result of 71 percent, placing seventh.
But also Feu D’Or made a fantastic debut in an Intermediaire I-class and finished on eighth place under Lena in a group of strong competitors. In the qualifier for this final class the pair was on fifth place.
Another reason to be happy gave us Cadeau Noir with a top performance under Lena. At their first competition together they could celebrate right away their first victory.
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Stallion Presentations in 2019
For ticket orders please use this order form.
15 February 2019, 7 pm at the Oldenburger Pferde Zentrum Vechta:
Kooperation with Dressurpferdeleistungszentrum Lodbergen and Gestüt Westfalenhof.
Please place your ticket order (seats á 10.00 Euro / standing tickets á 5.00 Euro) with Bonhomme stud by 1 February 2019. The entry fee for the tickets must be paid directly with the order. We hope that you will show understanding that we have to follow the principle “first come, first serve”.
23 February 2019, 2 pm at Bonhomme stud:
On the occasion of the stallion presentation at Bonhomme stud the entire stallion collection will be presented. Traditionally, we invite you to be our guest for the breeders brunch starting 12.30 pm. The brunch and entry is free of charge. For organizational reasons we kindly ask you to register for the event by 21 February 2019.
We wish you all a successful breeding season 2019!
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New Stallion Trio Stationed at Bonhomme
Now the young stallion trio for our stallion station is perfect! At Münster we purchased by auction an impressive premium stallion sired by Apache-Fürst Romancier. We are very glad that this extremely beautiful and fantastically moving stallion with a highly interesting blood line will enrich our station in the future. We have given him the name “Apalachee”, named after an Indian tribe. Then, “Daim” sired by DeLorean – Sir Donnerhall I, bred by ourselves, was licensed at the same site, too. Together with the Oldenburg licensed stallion“Fidelity” sired by Fiderdance – Sandro Hit, he will move to our EU-station. Please find further information on our three youngsters under the topic “stallions” at our website.
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The dressage team celebrated excellent successes in Wernsdorf this weekend. Fiderdance and Lena Waldmann were particularly enthusiastic with a victory in the Intermediaire II with a very good 74. 342%. Cadeau Noir and Bart Desender were happy about three loops. His rich yield was a victory in the M*-dressage, 3rd place in the M**-dressage and 6th place in the S*-dressage. With Feu D’Or Bart had a second iron in the fire. He secured silver in advanced (S*) level dressage and seventh place in another advanced (S*) level dressage competition. Lena celebrated victory with Robin by Rob Roy in an M**-dressage, silver in an S*-dressage and 6th place in another S*-dressage. With Sandro’s Song by Sandro Song Lena won the silver medal in an M** dressage and another place in an S* dressage. The young stars of Team Bonhomme were also very successful. Friend for Life by Fiorissimo won the dressage horse class L with Lena with 8. 1 In the novice class dressage horses the two won the silver medal. The victory in this competition went to his stable mate Best before Midnight by Black Ruby and Bart.
The jumping team started this weekend in Oberfrauendorf. Saskia Conredel was happy about 6 rounds with Chocolat, Schenkenberg and Carla v. Couleur Rubin. The final placement of Schenkenberg in the M**-Youngster Tour was particularly pleasing.
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Here you find the announcement for our jumping tournament “Bonhomme Open” from June 27th to July 1st. We are looking forward to all participants & guests! Admission is free!
Contact person, registration office:
Silvia Burfeind
silvia-burfeind@t-online. de
www. turnierservice-burfeind. de
Contact person for tournament organization at Bonhomme Stud:
Sabine ch Schachler
s. schachler@gestuet-bonhomme. com

The Bonhomme team celebrated a very successful weekend in Teupitz. Lena Waldmann won the M* and S* dressage classes with Robin, just eight years old. The eight years old stallion Cadeau Noir and Bart reached the second place. In the St. Georg Special Lena led the lap of honour with Showdancer.
Horses of the stud Bonhomme also dominate in the dressage tests.
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The approved announcement of our dressage festival “Der Ritt um das goldene Pferd” and of the German Championships from 21-24. july is online. New this year is the qualification of the Louisdor price at Gestüt Bonhomme!
Contact person reporting office: Silvia Burfeind 0172/7219857 silvia-burfeind@t-online.de
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Maracana has passed his 14-day-test in Adelheidisdorf with a very good result and is now available again for our breeders. His dressage final result is 8,34. Maracana is now officially recognized by the Hannoveraner association!

It couldn’t have gone better! Six starts and six victories for Lena Waldmann in Dresden. D’Egalite impressed in his first dressage test for young horses with a score of 8,4! Grey Flanell was victorious in a dressage test at medium (M*) level with a score of 72%. Black Pearl won two dressage tests for young horses.
For the perfect final Showdancer delivered a top round with 74, 605% in the price of Dresden, a Prix St. Georges, after his victory in the advanced (S) level dressage yesterday.
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Five starts – five times in the top three! Lena Waldmann and her horses were in Tremsdorf in the best shape. Grey Flanell and Lena reached the second place in a dressage test at medium (M*) level. Showdancer was victorious in two dressage tests, in a dressage test at medium (M**) level and in a dressage test at advanced (S) level.
It was a great pleasure to see Sandro’s Song twice in third place. He was placed at a dressage test at medium (M*) level and at an advanced (S) level.
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From now on you will find the latest video impressions of our stallions on our homepage. Please contact us if you have any questions about our stallions. We are happy to advise you in choosing the right stallion!
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D’Egalité, Dimagico and Zinedream were successful in the sport test. With this test, all requirements for the next season are fulfilled.
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Bronze medal for Castino-son in Leipzig
A Castino-son took the bronze medal in the free-jumping championship on the occasion of the World Cup in Leipzig. Chacco G by Castino – Casssini II was praised as “striking jumping-specialist who has already been recommended for sport at the Southern German free-jumping championship in Ellwangen due to his sporty appearance. He convinced with sheer endless ability (9.0), good manner of jumping (8.5) and great attitude.”
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Fiderdance made a brilliant debut in his first Intermediaire II class
What a fantastic premiere for our Fiderdance at this first Intermediaire II! With Lena Waldmann in the saddle Fiderdance danced rightaway to fourth rank at the K+K Cup in Münster. We are really glad about this promising harmony of this young successful pair.
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Zinedream approved for Hanover
After convincing the Oldenburg-International and Holsteiner Verband, Zinedream also impressed the Hanoverian Verband. In total, 29 of 62 entered stallions received the license to breed by the Hanoverian Verband. With playful lightness Zinedream completed the high requirements in free-jumping in Verden, too. This beautiful stallion doesn’t only impress with his great ability and a perfect manner of jumping, but also with his extraordinary vision and intelligent coolness, which he also proves under the saddle. Zinedream is something really special!
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D’Egalité became VTV stallion at the stallion championship
The Westphalian Verband proclaimed D’Egalité as VTV Stallion at the stallion championship on the occasion of the licensing in Münster-Handorf. With this award, the most successful four-year old stallions are honored in Westphalia every year. D’Egalité, who already became Champion Stallion at his licensing in 2015, convinced the licensing committee also under the saddle on the whole line. We are really glad about the fantastic development of this promising stallion with great potential!
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Dates for the stallion shows
Bonhomme stud will present several stallions at the stallion shows in Vechta (Oldenburg Horse Center) and in Münster (Westphalian Horse Center). All Bonhomme stallions will be presented at the stallion show at Gestüt Bonhomme in Werder/Havel, close to Berlin.
- 4th of Febuary 2017 – 6.30 pm, Oldenburger Pferde Zentrum Vechta, Grafenhorststr. 5, 49377 Vechta (together with Sprehe stud)
- 25th of Febuary 2017 – 2 pm, Gestüt Bonhomme, Fuchsberg 1 a, 14542 Werder
- 11th of March 2017 – 6.30 pm, Westf. Pferdestammbuch, Sudmühlenstr. 33, 48157 Münster (together wih Sprehe stud and Tebbel stallion station)
Please kindly contact us for reservations: info@gestuet-bonhomme.com or +49-3327-7249010. The price for the tickets in Vechta and Münster is 10 Euro. standing areas are available for 5 Euro.
The tickets for the stallion show at Gestüt Bonhomme are free of costs. We cordially invite you to join our “breeders brunch”, that starts at 12.30 pm. After the stallion show we are looking forward to have a nice get-together with a lot of breeders and friends.
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Zinedream licensed for Holstein
Our Oldenburg-International (OS) champion stallion Zinedream by Zinedine – Contender – Landadel got licensed by the Holsteiner Verband in Elmshorn. His natural talented free jumping, presented with a maximum of elasticity thrilled the very strict judges of Holstein. Only three stallions out of 15 got licensed in Elmshorn. We are very proud Zinedream was one of them and are very happy to make Zinedream available for Holsteiner breeders as well.
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Morricone awarded as Main Premium Winner
From now on Morricone is decorated with the prestigious title “Main Premium Winner”. Every year the Oldenburg breeding association awards a premium to the very best four year old sire. For this, the quality of the first crop is evaluated. The evaluation is also influenced by the performance record, including e.g. the stallion performance test, in which Morricone won vastly superior the dressage part with a score of 9.33.
We are really glad that our 2014′ Oldenburg Champion Stallion could even exceed all the high expectations by presenting such an outstanding first crop.

Newcomer: OS-Champion Stallion goes to Bonhomme
We are really glad to get a significant newcomer for our jumper-stallion collection. The OS-Champion Stallion Zinedream by Zinedine – Contender – Landadel – Ramiro – Landgraf I has already moved into his stable at Bonhomme stud. The beautiful high-flyer from the very best dam line, bred by Gerd Küst in Pinneberg, is no less than a half brother of shooting star Quiwi Dream, who just had great successes in 1,60 m classes under Hans-Dieter Dreher at the CSIO5* in Spruce Meadows. We are extremely proud that we can offer this extraordinary horse to our breeders!
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Celebrated Premium Stallion Dimagico
At the Hanoverian stallion licensing in Verden the beautiful son of Dimaggio – Jazz Time – Escudo I became the celebrated Premium Stallion and darling of the audience. Rebecca Gutman discovered Dimagico already as foal at the stable of breeder Manfred Dörries in Kremmen, where she secured him for Bonhomme stud. We are really glad that we will be able to offer this premium stallion as special highlight in the upcoming season!
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DSP Quindale and Schenkenberg qualified for the Bundeschampionat
Bonhommes stallions celebrated a very successful weekend: DSP Quindale by Quaterback-Samarant-Fürst Heinrich and Falk Rosenbauer won the qualification for 5 year old dressage horses with a score of 8.1 in Neustadt/Dosse. The show jumping stallion Schenkenberg (picture) by Stolzenberg-Montendro-Lord Liberty and Joachim Heyer thrilled the judges with his enormous capacity and scored an 8.4 in the opening competition in Verden. They already qualified for the Bundeschampionat one week ago in Haren/Ems.
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Evaluation of Morricone offspring: Phenomenal types and master movers
The Oldenburg foal show on Bonhomme stud also presented an official evalution of Morricones offspring (Nachzuchtbewertung). 15 Morricone foals were presented to the judges from the Oldenburg commitee. All Morricone foals made a fantastic impression. They showed very modern and highly elegant types, strong hind legs, correct confirmations and a very nice, super elastic trot.
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Morricone-colt becomes Reserve-Champion in Lienen
The most important foal show in Germany is the German championship for foals in Lienen. It is an honour for every breeder to be invited to that show. Morricone presented the silver medal colt at the final ring. The reserve champion is named Malicorne and out of an Dumont-Ragazzo-dam. The proud breeders are Jana and Jörg Pontow from Greifendorf.
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Grey Flanell-colt scored the highest price in Verden
Once again Grey Flanell thrilled the audience with a superb foal on an elite foal auction. Grey Fantastic by Grey Flanell-Foundation-Stedinger bred by Kai Baumgartner, Kamern, thrilled the audience with exorbitant movements and a lovely type. This master mover was sold for 37.000 Euro. Here you can find a video of the stunning colt: http://www.hannoveraner.com/verdener-auktion/verdener-auktion-juli/kollektion-der-reitpferde-und-fohlen/kollektionsdetail/?L=0&view=detail&entry=100&L=0
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