Gestüt Bonhomme


I believe in all our stallions equally, otherwise we would not place them at our breeding station. Each of the stallions is distinguished with his different qualities and pedigrees – but for us these are complemented by the character traits and the appearance. Behind each of these beautiful faces is a unique personality.


A world-class athlete! What title is there that this jumping miracle has not won? Balzaci has the heart of a warrior. Even after 13 years of performing at the top level of the sport, his rider continues to be richly rewarded by his performance.

Balzaci is an outstanding horse. His strength of character and attitude towards sports are simply unique. He lives for sports, and, at 19 years old, is still highly motivated. In peak condition, with pricked-up ears and bouncing like a kangaroo, he overcomes every obstacle with enthusiasm.

In the day-to-day practice, Balzaci is just a dream. Very easy and fine to ride, also in this respect he impresses everyone with his composure and constantly good mood. His mane is not so easily ruffled. Gallant and level-headed when practising, while being cuddly and personal in the stable, this stallion takes the hearts of those who come into contact with him by storm.

His offspring tread in his hoofprints. They, as well, are already successful on the international scene up to the 1.55 m jump, and excel with the fantastic rideability, attitude and the very special warrior’s heart that they have inherited from their sire!

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Cadeau Noir

Whether horse shows or heredity power – you can always count on Cadeau Noir. This shiny black, impressive and large-framed black stallion with an enormous neck and wonderfully expressive face always attracts attention. With his masculine conformation and his powerful action of movements, especially his incredible canter, he always exceeds expectations again and again. His offspring, in particular, are distinguished with a spectacular mechanic of movements, rhythm and beauty.

Cadeau’s offspring are consistently characterized by a large frame, long legs, an energetic step-off, mechanic and rhythm as well as a good type. He marked them all with his own beauty and expressiveness, his face and his masculine neck. Especially, when he bred small, compact mares the results were fantastic so far. He is a gift for all fans of dark coats – as Cadeau Noir’s name already reveals: he is homozygous for dark colour. Due to the lack of the red-factor in his genes, even chestnut-coloured mares will deliver non-chestnut foals, sired by Cadeau Noir.

In the arena or at stallion shows Cadeau Noir doesn’t only inspire with his impressive action of movements, his appearance and striking balance, but the way he handles the atmosphere of every scene with his innate coolness and reliability so that he is always able to perform every exercise with ease.

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Cadeau Noir


A faithful friend for every challenge – a real partner in crime! Cashmere catches everyone’s heart with his special, extremely human-oriented, lovely and uncomplicated manner. A stallion with a heart of gold, no matter whether he is in the jumping-course, in the daily training or just relaxed ridden in the country. If you are looking for a horse with quality, special character and an absolute reliability, then you are perfectly served with Cashmere!

Cashmere isn’t only a highlight in the jumping-course, but also offers a fantastic fun-factor in the dressage arena. As he is rideable, unafraid, willing to work and distinguished with great movements, Cashmere is the pure joy every day.

Last but not least, this smart sunny boy also attracts with his beautiful look. His slightly bend, colourful face gets even prettier through his big brown eyes and steadily perked ears. The bonus for all fans of colourful horses: Cashmere’s offspring have often big white markings and is homozygous for dark colour!

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Already at first sight, you can’t hide Castino’s intelligence. With big, open eyes, perkily bend neck and strained ears he encounters his environment. A glance that leaves no doubts – this stallion is something really special.

At young age Castino was one of the most noticed show jumpers in Germany. He won his stallion performance test with a vastly superior result, receiving seldom seen top scores for jumping-ability but also for his character. At the age of four, Castino took the prestigious champion title in Dobrock and at the Bundeschampionat the beautiful stallion performed brilliant rounds as well.

Castino is very confident and ambitious and is supposed to be supported with sensitivity. When you have gained Castino’ trust, this stallion pleases you as really exemplary show jumper and is a true friend. With unlimited abilities he gives you a fantastic feeling at the jump. His natural rhythm and his comfortable, from himself offered frequency let the jumping rider’s heart beat faster in the jumping-course.

Castino inherits his enormous talent for jumping to his offspring. Four licensed sons, including two premium stallions prove the quality of this sire. Castino’s offspring are really beautiful, long-legged, move expressively and inspire with elastic and scopey jumping and a very good technique. At the licensing sites Zangersheide, Hanover and Oldenburg-International (OS) Castino’s sons were in high demand; a premium stallion was sold to India for 135,000 Euro. Castino’s top genes, originating from a first-class Holsteiner dam line, prevail resoundingly.

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Coeur de Bella Donna

What a cheerful soul! Coeur de Bella Donna, known as Cördy for short, is our dashing Casanova. At times, he can be a prankster, bursting with self-confidence and gifted with a genuinely charming manner. Whether we are talking about his ability to perform, irrespective of whether that be in the show-jumping arena or on the paddock, Coeur de Bella Donna is, at a moment’s notice, highly concentrated, and focused on the actual situation.

When jumping, his full quality and stellar potential can be seen. That is when the stallion’s impressive grasp of situations really pays off. By the way in which he uses his body, assessing the distance and situation properly, this intriguingly personable rogue is just mind-blowing when you see him in the arena. A stallion with incredible spirit, sharp-witted at that, with fundamental qualities – you call that a genuine best-in-class horse born to elite parents!

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You thought that Black Beauty was the most stunning horse in the world? Then you have not seen Cordess! He will quite literally seduce you with his natural attraction. The big, intelligent-looking eyes, the nostrils that always seem to be dilated in Arabic style, and, in addition, such a gorgeously curved face – this horse is adorable.

Cordess is incredibly bright. Although exceedingly gentle when handled by the rider and stable staff, as a true champion he literally demands to be paid the attention he so richly deserves. He exudes royalty and does not let you forget that he is a king among horses.

When ridden, Cordess impresses the rider with his elasticity, distinct caution and a good dose of fighting spirit. Despite his ambition, he can be handled very well in the show-jumping arena, giving the rider a dream-like feeling when the horse jumps. During his active sports career, this top world champion travelled four continents, and now seems very pleased with his cosy domicile at Bonhomme Stud Farm, enjoying all the attention that he can get.

Not a tad less spectacular than his own sports career are the results seen from Cordess’ offspring. An entire string of successors, successful on the international level in the class of up to 1.55 metres, captivates the audiences at the show grounds of this world. In addition, he has five licensed sons. This qualifies as a top rating, considering that Cordess has only very sporadically been available for breeding in the course of his sports career.

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D’Egalité is surrounded by a radiant aura that gives one an absolute and immediate thrill. In the last year, this black pearl shone as the most striking stallion of all licensing sites. Enormous basic gaits combined with a unique grandeur let this large-framed and long-legged stallion look majestic nearly – and all this at still young age. It’s not only his enormous quality of movements, but especially his own way of moving, how this stallion puts his front feet on the ground, steps-off, takes them up again so that his hindquarters can step right away under the centre of gravity and all this with a natural balance. This action of movement is his special attribute.

The name D’Egalité came up due to several aspects. On the one hand the well-known dam line of Egale should get the deserved respect, on the other hand this name, which was chosen right after the terrible terrorist attacks in France, should call attention to European values of tolerance and intercultural equality in which the Gutman family is energetically engaged too.

In breeding D’Egalité is highly interesting due to his exquisite bloodline. The spectacular Dutch quality of movements on the sire’s side combined with the proven German dam line known for rideability, beauty, conformation and a very good walk. Distinguished with large body parts, long legs and noblesse.

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The hereditary of DeLorean is of exquisite quality. At his spectacular presentations the noble black stallion scores especially with his incredibly engaged hindquarters and a brilliant mechanic of movements in all three basic gaits. This powerful, impressive and elastic movements as well as his natural cadence are passed resoundingly on to his offspring. Furthermore, a beautiful and impressively built conformation with correct top-line are inherited too. Who wants to buy an above-average DeLorean foal must be quick, because a high number of his offspring haven’t been offered at all or have been sold for a high price after just a few days.

You will take DeLorean into your heart just because of his wonderful character. When dealing with him he resembles more a dog than a sire. Affectionate, cuddly and at rest in himself, he is glad about every attention. Under the rider DeLorean offers an incredible rideability and coolness. His fluent movements swinging through the entire body pull the rider into the saddle and provide comfort like a club chair. DeLorean is highly talented and willing to perform every exercise desired, always with a 100% focus on his rider, easy to lead and constantly very sensitive to the aids. You could not wish for a better riding feeling.

It’s really interesting to observe how DeLorean’s foals are very accessible and devoted to people right from the first day in life. They are cuddly, easy to handle and, in view of their striking movements, a real joy for breeders! We already look forward to seeing the first offspring under the saddle in the next year.

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Elegance spelt out in a horse and a great deal of sophistication! Democracy comes as a gift to anyone who loves to hone a rough diamond. A dear partner when handled, very circumspect, and always fully concentrated, Democracy makes every effort to achieve harmony in the day-to-day work at a stable. Among our wild boys, Democracy is more like the poet and thinker – somewhat introverted, yet with an awful lot of intellect and potential, and he has a very empathic way with people.

When ridden, as soon as he has gained full confidence in the rider and arena Democracy unleashes his full potential. Once you get him going, he gives you the most graceful dressage experience. Athletic, standing tall, and almost with a dancing gait, you are able to catch a glimpse of all that potential inside him. In fact, his shyness leads to a somewhat more restrained presence, although this never turns into nervousness or startled responses. This is certainly a fabulous horse. The team at the stud farm is eager to watch him develop from this point on!

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DSP Araldik

DSP Araldik gives you wings. On his back every jump becomes a real experience. Already on tour the enormously ground-covering canter is a real treat. With strained ears Araldik is focused on the next jump. It’s like magnetism, the jump pulls him closer with unstoppable force. Then, with a powerful push-off Araldik takes off. His frontlegs spring back lightening-fast like a jack knife – he doesn’t want to risk a mistake. The back rounds, the hindquarters open up to the highest point, you can enjoy the flight a last moment before approaching and landing, back on the ground of hard facts. And there it is: This special moment of happiness that lets this sport become a passion.

This special way of jumping and the virtually boundless ability, which also caused Araldik’s nomination for the title Vice Bundeschampion of five-year old show jumpers, can also be found among his offspring. Those are deservedly so successful in tests for young show jumpers. He characterizes all his offspring with his athletic modernity, his outstanding quality of movements and his face. Like Araldik himself, his offspring are very comfortable to handle, they love to cuddle and show unlimited willingness to perform in sport.

Unfortunately, Araldik’s own sports career had to be interrupted for a longer period due to late sequelae of a serious injury following an accident during the cross-country at his stallion performance test. Now we even more happily await his swift comeback into sport.

DSP Araldik is an extraordinary jumper-stallion and darling of the public at all jumping-arenas due to his sympathetic aura. His blood is refined through his dam by Heraldik xx, and therefore, he is distinguished with long legs, noblesse and beauty. A genuine eye-catcher among the mostly large-caliber show jumper colleagues. Furthermore, there are very good basic gaits including a canter to melt away. The long forelock, the expressive eyes – not only woman fall in love with him immediately!

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DSP Araldik


A Etienne captured all hearts at Bonhomme stud right away. Simone would say: “This is certainly the coolest youngster in the world!” His strong nerve is an absolute highlight. Etienne always keeps his inner peace and proves that a ground-covering, spectacular trot can be combined with mental balance and coolness without compromises on both sides.

Another keyword, that fits Etienne well, is “harmony”. Everything on Etienne seems to be in perfect harmony. Whether character, conformation or his willingness under the saddle – there is probably no demand, which can’t be met sovereignly by Etienne. We are really looking forward to Etienne’s first crop!

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A racing car in the fast lane! Fiancé’s grand appearance, and in particular his brilliant movements, really make an impression. If Fiancé, while practising, presented his basic gaits, that are bristling with strength and opulence, nobody would ever doubt that they were standing in front of a sire. However, what is unique is the transformation seen in him. Full of power and grandeur a moment ago, Fiancé switches, while being handled, to being super cuddly.

From the moment of breaking him in, Fiancé is a delight, with a virtually inexhaustible willingness to perform, which never, however, transforms into dark energy. A horse who is eager to get going, bursting with energy, who, even in his younger years, can already distinguish well between his roles as sportsman, sire and simply being a friend to people.

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Our sunny boy! Fidelity is radiant with congenial energy. Always awake and highly motivated, Fidelity is a genuine eye-catcher. Curious and happy to get some exercise, like his father, he takes the hearts of riders by storm. For instance, he is also the favourite horse of our assistant rider Peggy Nears, who compares her experience of riding him with autonomous driving. Whatever Fidelity has learnt, he subsequently perfects it. Always motivated, always happy, always co-operative – Fidelity loves his tasks in the dressage arena.

Not only our riders succumb to the charm exuded by Fidelity – also in the show-jumping arena Fidelity has the judges wrapped around his hoof, as it were. Fidelity basks in the glory of his top scores. Especially in front of an audience, the not-so-tall apple of our eyes starts to exude grace and dance. We are eager to find out whether he will in due course follow in the great sporty hoofprints of his sire Fiderdance.

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Already at his licensing we were inspired by his fantastic charisma and presence. His elegant habitus with his beautifully set neck characterizes his silhouette and is an absolute eye-catcher with his extraordinary way of moving due to his extremely free shoulder. Offering collection-ability at the highest degree Fiderdance is clearly a dressage and rideability talent par excellence. He performed all the way up to 2023 World Cup final in Omaha/USA – with a smile on our faces we call him “nerd”. Due to his “go” and his top rideability he gives an excellent feeling to his rider. He is an athlete of the finest and his long-legged offspring are characterized by the same silhouette as well as quality of movements.

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Forever Rock

A youngster to fall in love with! Already upon his arrival, Forever Rock captured our hearts with his cordial, affectionate ways and an admirable inner serenity. Approaching us calmly as he alighted from the lorry, “Rocky” walked past all our testosterone-laden “top dogs” and along the side of the stallion stable, into his new box, with perfect composure. After that, rather than wild squealing, all you could hear was his comfortable chewing of hay. This fine first impression has persisted to this day. Whether he is being handled, is on the paddock or is practising, Rocky is the epitome of prudence.

This horse, with a fine personality, keeps up just that impression when ridden. Incredibly sweet, with an unwavering self-conception and a jubilant quality about him, Rocky has, in the briefest amount of time, won all of us here at Bonhomme over with his warm, well-rounded nature. He certainly knows how to impress us with his charm.

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Forever Rock

Grey Flanell

Grey is a highly intelligent and sensitive horse and wants to be treated with respect and fairness. For Grey, nothing is more important than trust – and if he got that, he does anything for you. His striking talent for Grand Prix, especially for piaffe and passage is absolutely amazing. He is a genius! And his offspring speak for themselves. They give prove of their talent at all events the show up.

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Grey Flanell


Maracaná is simply a stellar attraction! Seldom did a stallion combine such a magnificent quality of motion, size and imposing presence with such a pure brilliance of character, characterised by regal nobility, as does Maracaná!

Excellent mechanics, combined with a spectacular impression, as well as very active hindquarters and an unwavering pace, make the motion sequence of this stallion a type of perfection rarely seen. An inherent elasticity and cadence allow his movements to swing loosely through the body.

Maracaná makes a grand entrance with the dignity of a majestic sire. This charisma opens up, for Maracaná, a special class of sports merits. Winning the Bundeschampionat’s qualifier of six-year-old dressage horses with a score of 9.2 is something really special. When ridden, Maracaná presents himself with a lot of spirit and eagerness to learn. An inherent rideability and his situational smarts provide Maracaná with an unrivalled grasp and ability to learn.

Maracaná’s offspring are characterised by the brilliance and presence of their sire. They stand out with their undisputed strength of movement, size, and overwhelming modernity.

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Strikingly beautiful, friendly, open and lovely – Maxim is himself aware of his special aura. He is a stallion of an impressive appearance and grandezza, but is still so human-oriented and cuddly like a little family pony – Maxim is really multifaceted.

Under the saddle Maxim impresses with strength, step-off and charisma. He expresses a positive energy and willingness to perform. But in handling, he is gentle and cautious, simply a real gentleman.

When you can look at him with your own eyes, it’s hard not to get enchanted by his elegance and beauty.

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Morricone gives us pleasure every day. He is a stallion with so much charisma, beauty and quality, always attentive, exemplary in handling, who looks at you curiously through his big eyes, putting a spell on you. Due to his unshakeable strength of character and his enormous intelligence – he just doesn’t like boredom – he proves his natural talent for dressage every day. Under the saddle he is constantly relaxed and concentrated, never getting distracted by the environment. He only wants to learn and implements easily what he has learned. Most of his foals are truly little copies of Morricone – from conformation to movements – there isn’t anything else to add. Frankly speaking – this wonderful stallion makes us happy every moment.

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This impressively built stallion is especially characterized by his jumping-ability. Due to his naturally extremely well-padded back and his enormously powerful push-off it seems that there aren’t any insurmountable heights. When sitting on his back you get the feeling that you could jump effortlessly over houses.

Schenkenberg is incredibly comfortable and easy to ride. In the jumping-course the rider enjoys, beside his enormous jumping-ability, especially Schenkenberg’s honesty and will to reach “the other side” of the jump – that’s definitely an absolute advantage for the rider. Among experts it is rumoured: “ That’s one to jump over the highest at all!”

The international performance-blood is a golden thread that can be traced right through the pedigree – from his sire Stolzenberg, who was himself victorious at advanced (S**) level, over the dam’s sire Montendro, who was advanced (S) level successful under Marco Kutscher, great grandsire Lord Liberty, who celebrated victories up to medium (M) level under Gilbert Böckmann despite of his early death at the age of six, as well as Ramino, who, too, was internationally successful up to advanced (S) level.

The power of genes is mirrored by Schenkenberg’s super athletic, good-framed and powerfully stepping foals without exception. Although, he himself has an impressive body his offspring are throughout noble and long-legged. Schenkenberg is especially interesting for pairing of small thoroughbred-typed mares.

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A powerhouse with a pure soul! Sixpack is a darling; you just have to like him. A dream to ride and a thoroughly committed partner in the show-jumping arena. This is a horse you can trust!

Sixpack is definitely ready to make a grand entrance with the great strength that comes from his back and hind legs. He very impressively puts his almost unlimited ability to jump at your disposal. In addition, he shows a perfect bascule when jumping, and there is also his inevitable ambition to jump without mistakes.

If you just look at Sixpack, with his majestic stature and very manly appearance, you would scarcely imagine how fine he is to ride. Handled without strength, very easy on the hand, super sensitive on the leg, and responding to the lightest weight support, Sixpack is an utter highlight, both in daily practice and in the show-jumping arena.

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This stallion combines everything that distinguishes a modern-day top performer. He is very special. Top quality, maximum body awareness, an uncanny intellect and any amount of courage distinguish this champion.

Even when he stands on the stable lane, Zinedream impresses the onlooker with his presence. The gorgeous face and the big, sharp-witted eyes, as well as the very masculine expression, embody a grandeur which underlines Zinedream’s bold character.

To ride him is a real dream. Right from the very first day, Zinedream seemed to instinctively know what was required of him. Never gaping or timid, he at all times completes his schedule with aplomb. Absolutely awesome is his outstanding canter and his natural intelligence on the course. With incredible cohesion and always on the ascent, this stallion canters in an untouchable rhythm. The fun factor riding this classy horse is virtually infinite. Super light between hands and legs, and with an overwhelming eagerness to learn, Zinedream motivates his rider anew each day. When jumping, he is characterised by maximum elasticity and natural caution. Seldom does a horse naturally jump in such a smooth way as Zinedream does.

Zinedream’s foals are very sporty, and absolutely correctly built. Interestingly, they often please us with proper movements, also when trotting. His first offspring show themselves to be positively inspired when engaging in free jumping. Gifted with the quality, overview, and – above all – the elasticity of their dear sire, they make even the greatest jumps look like child’s play. His very contemporary and sporty appearance make Zinedream a superior, pre-destined contender for becoming a greatly-frequented sire.

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A world-class athlete! What title is there that this jumping miracle has not won? Balzaci has the heart of a warrior. Even after 13 years of performing at the top level of the sport, his rider continues to be richly rewarded by his performance.

Balzaci is an outstanding horse. His strength of character and attitude towards sports are simply unique. He lives for sports, and, at 19 years old, is still highly motivated. In peak condition, with pricked-up ears and bouncing like a kangaroo, he overcomes every obstacle with enthusiasm.

In the day-to-day practice, Balzaci is just a dream. Very easy and fine to ride, also in this respect he impresses everyone with his composure and constantly good mood. His mane is not so easily ruffled. Gallant and level-headed when practising, while being cuddly and personal in the stable, this stallion takes the hearts of those who come into contact with him by storm.

His offspring tread in his hoofprints. They, as well, are already successful on the international scene up to the 1.55 m jump, and excel with the fantastic rideability, attitude and the very special warrior’s heart that they have inherited from their sire!

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Cadeau Noir

Whether horse shows or heredity power – you can always count on Cadeau Noir. This shiny black, impressive and large-framed black stallion with an enormous neck and wonderfully expressive face always attracts attention. With his masculine conformation and his powerful action of movements, especially his incredible canter, he always exceeds expectations again and again. His offspring, in particular,  are distinguished with a spectacular mechanic of movements, rhythm and beauty.

Cadeau’s offspring are consistently characterized by a large frame, long legs, an energetic step-off, mechanic and rhythm as well as a good type. He marked them all with his own beauty and expressiveness, his face and his masculine neck. Especially, when he bred small, compact mares the results were fantastic so far. He is a gift for all fans of dark coats –  as Cadeau Noir’s name already reveals: he is homozygous for dark colour. Due to the lack of the red-factor in his genes, even chestnut-coloured mares will deliver non-chestnut foals, sired by Cadeau Noir.

In the arena or at stallion shows Cadeau Noir doesn’t only inspire with his impressive action of movements, his appearance and striking balance, but the way he handles the atmosphere of every scene with his innate coolness and reliability so that he is always able to perform every exercise with ease.

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Cadeau Noir


Already at first sight, you can’t hide Castino’s intelligence. With big, open eyes, perkily bend neck and strained ears he encounters his environment. A glance that leaves no doubts – this stallion is something really special.

At young age Castino was one of the most noticed show jumpers in Germany. He won his stallion performance test with a vastly superior result, receiving seldom seen top scores for jumping-ability but also for his character. At the age of four, Castino took the prestigious champion title in Dobrock and at the Bundeschampionat the beautiful stallion performed brilliant rounds as well.

Castino is very confident and ambitious and is supposed to be supported with sensitivity. When you have gained Castino’ trust, this stallion pleases you as really exemplary show jumper and is a true friend. With unlimited abilities he gives you a fantastic feeling at the jump. His natural rhythm and his comfortable, from himself offered frequency let the jumping rider’s heart beat faster in the jumping-course.

Castino inherits his enormous talent for jumping to his offspring. Four licensed sons, including two premium stallions prove the quality of this sire. Castino’s offspring are really beautiful, long-legged, move expressively and inspire with elastic and scopey jumping and a very good technique. At the licensing sites Zangersheide, Hanover and Oldenburg-International (OS) Castino’s sons were in high demand; a premium stallion was sold to India for 135,000 Euro. Castino’s top genes, originating from a first-class Holsteiner dam line, prevail resoundingly.

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Coeur de Bella Donna

What a cheerful soul! Coeur de Bella Donna, known as Cördy for short, is our dashing Casanova. At times, he can be a prankster, bursting with self-confidence and gifted with a genuinely charming manner. Whether we are talking about his ability to perform, irrespective of whether that be in the show-jumping arena or on the paddock, Coeur de Bella Donna is, at a moment’s notice, highly concentrated, and focused on the actual situation.

When jumping, his full quality and stellar potential can be seen. That is when the stallion’s impressive grasp of situations really pays off. By the way in which he uses his body, assessing the distance and situation properly, this intriguingly personable rogue is just mind-blowing when you see him in the arena. A stallion with incredible spirit, sharp-witted at that, with fundamental qualities – you call that a genuine best-in-class horse born to elite parents!

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Coeur de Bella Donna


You thought that Black Beauty was the most stunning horse in the world? Then you have not seen Cordess! He will quite literally seduce you with his natural attraction. The big, intelligent-looking eyes, the nostrils that always seem to be dilated in Arabic style, and, in addition, such a gorgeously curved face – this horse is adorable.

Cordess is incredibly bright. Although exceedingly gentle when handled by the rider and stable staff, as a true champion he literally demands to be paid the attention he so richly deserves. He exudes royalty and does not let you forget that he is a king among horses.

When ridden, Cordess impresses the rider with his elasticity, distinct caution and a good dose of fighting spirit. Despite his ambition, he can be handled very well in the show-jumping arena, giving the rider a dream-like feeling when the horse jumps. During his active sports career, this top world champion travelled four continents, and now seems very pleased with his cosy domicile at Bonhomme Stud Farm, enjoying all the attention that he can get.

Not a tad less spectacular than his own sports career are the results seen from Cordess’ offspring. An entire string of successors, successful on the international level in the class of up to 1.55 metres, captivates the audiences at the show grounds of this world. In addition, he has five licensed sons. This qualifies as a top rating, considering that Cordess has only very sporadically been available for breeding in the course of his sports career.

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D’Egalité is surrounded by a radiant aura that gives one an absolute and immediate thrill. In the last year, this black pearl shone as the most striking stallion of all licensing sites. Enormous basic gaits combined with a unique grandeur let this large-framed and long-legged stallion look majestic nearly – and all this at still young age. It’s not only his enormous quality of movements, but especially his own way of moving, how this stallion puts his front feet on the ground, steps-off, takes them up again so that his hindquarters can step right away under the centre of gravity and all this with a natural balance. This action of movement is his special attribute.

The name D’Egalité came up due to several aspects. On the one hand the well-known dam line of Egale should get the deserved respect, on the other hand this name, which was chosen right after the terrible terrorist attacks in France, should call attention to European values of tolerance and intercultural equality in which the Gutman family is energetically engaged too.

In breeding D’Egalité is highly interesting due to his exquisite bloodline. The spectacular Dutch quality of movements on the sire’s side combined with the proven German dam line known for rideability, beauty, conformation and a very good walk. Distinguished with large body parts, long legs and noblesse.

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The hereditary of DeLorean is of exquisite quality. At his spectacular presentations the noble black stallion scores especially with his incredibly engaged hindquarters and a brilliant mechanic of movements in all three basic gaits. This powerful, impressive and elastic movements as well as his natural cadence are passed resoundingly on to his offspring. Furthermore, a beautiful and impressively built conformation with correct top-line are inherited too. Who wants to buy an above-average DeLorean foal must be quick, because a high number of his offspring haven’t been offered at all or have been sold for a high price after just a few days.

You will take DeLorean into your heart just because of his wonderful character. When dealing with him he resembles more a dog than a sire. Affectionate, cuddly and at rest in himself, he is glad about every attention. Under the rider DeLorean offers an incredible rideability and coolness. His fluent movements  swinging through the entire body pull the rider into the saddle and provide comfort like a club chair. DeLorean is highly talented and willing to perform every exercise desired, always with a 100% focus on his rider, easy to lead and constantly very sensitive to the aids. You could not wish for a better riding feeling.

It’s really interesting to observe how DeLorean’s foals are very accessible and devoted to people right from the first day in life. They are cuddly, easy to handle and, in view of their striking movements,  a real joy for breeders! We already look forward to seeing the first offspring under the saddle in the next year.

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Elegance spelt out in a horse and a great deal of sophistication! Democracy comes as a gift to anyone who loves to hone a rough diamond. A dear partner when handled, very circumspect, and always fully concentrated, Democracy makes every effort to achieve harmony in the day-to-day work at a stable. Among our wild boys, Democracy is more like the poet and thinker – somewhat introverted, yet with an awful lot of intellect and potential, and he has a very empathic way with people.

When ridden, as soon as he has gained full confidence in the rider and arena Democracy unleashes his full potential. Once you get him going, he gives you the most graceful dressage experience. Athletic, standing tall, and almost with a dancing gait, you are able to catch a glimpse of all that potential inside him. In fact, his shyness leads to a somewhat more restrained presence, although this never turns into nervousness or startled responses. This is certainly a fabulous horse. The team at the stud farm is eager to watch him develop from this point on!

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DSP Araldik

DSP Araldik gives you wings. On his back every jump becomes a real experience. Already on tour the enormously ground-covering canter is a real treat. With strained ears Araldik is focused on the next jump. It’s like magnetism, the jump pulls him closer with unstoppable force. Then, with a powerful push-off Araldik takes off. His frontlegs spring back lightening-fast like a jack knife – he doesn’t want to risk a mistake. The back rounds, the hindquarters open up to the highest point, you can enjoy the flight a last moment before approaching and landing, back on the ground of hard facts. And there it is: This special moment of happiness that lets this sport become a passion.

This special way of jumping and the virtually boundless ability, which also caused Araldik’s nomination for the title Vice Bundeschampion of five-year old show jumpers, can also be found among his offspring. Those are deservedly so successful in tests for young show jumpers. He characterizes all his offspring with his athletic modernity, his outstanding quality of movements and his face. Like Araldik himself, his offspring are very comfortable to handle, they love to cuddle and show unlimited willingness to perform in sport.

Unfortunately, Araldik’s own sports career had to be interrupted for a longer period due to late sequelae of a serious injury following an accident during the cross-country at his stallion performance test. Now we even more happily await his swift comeback into sport.

DSP Araldik is an extraordinary jumper-stallion and darling of the public at all jumping-arenas due to his sympathetic aura. His blood is refined through his dam by Heraldik xx, and therefore, he is distinguished with long legs, noblesse and beauty. A genuine eye-catcher among the mostly large-caliber show jumper colleagues. Furthermore, there are very good basic gaits including a canter to melt away. The long forelock, the expressive eyes –  not only woman fall in love with him immediately!

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DSP Araldik


A racing car in the fast lane! Fiancé’s grand appearance, and in particular his brilliant movements, really make an impression. If Fiancé, while practising, presented his basic gaits, that are bristling with strength and opulence, nobody would ever doubt that they were standing in front of a sire. However, what is unique is the transformation seen in him. Full of power and grandeur a moment ago, Fiancé switches, while being handled, to being super cuddly.

From the moment of breaking him in, Fiancé is a delight, with a virtually inexhaustible willingness to perform, which never, however, transforms into dark energy. A horse who is eager to get going, bursting with energy, who, even in his younger years, can already distinguish well between his roles as sportsman, sire and simply being a friend to people.

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Our sunny boy! Fidelity is radiant with congenial energy. Always awake and highly motivated, Fidelity is a genuine eye-catcher. Curious and happy to get some exercise, like his father, he takes the hearts of riders by storm. For instance, he is also the favourite horse of our assistant rider Peggy Nears, who compares her experience of riding him with autonomous driving. Whatever Fidelity has learnt, he subsequently perfects it. Always motivated, always happy, always co-operative – Fidelity loves his tasks in the dressage arena.

Not only our riders succumb to the charm exuded by Fidelity – also in the show-jumping arena Fidelity has the judges wrapped around his hoof, as it were. Fidelity basks in the glory of his top scores. Especially in front of an audience, the not-so-tall apple of our eyes starts to exude grace and dance. We are eager to find out whether he will in due course follow in the great sporty hoofprints of his sire Fiderdance.

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Already at his licensing we were inspired by his fantastic charisma and  presence. His elegant habitus with his beautifully set neck characterizes his silhouette and is an absolute eye-catcher with his extraordinary way of moving due to his extremely free shoulder. Offering collection-ability at the highest degree Fiderdance is clearly a dressage and rideability talent par excellence. He has already learned, with ease and submissiveness, all exercises up to Grand Prix – with a smile on our faces we call him “nerd”. Due to his “go” and his top rideability he gives an excellent feeling to his rider. He is an athlete of the finest and his long-legged offspring are characterized by the same silhouette as well as quality of movements.

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Forever Rock

A youngster to fall in love with! Already upon his arrival, Forever Rock captured our hearts with his cordial, affectionate ways and an admirable inner serenity. Approaching us calmly as he alighted from the lorry, “Rocky” walked past all our testosterone-laden “top dogs” and along the side of the stallion stable, into his new box, with perfect composure. After that, rather than wild squealing, all you could hear was his comfortable chewing of hay. This fine first impression has persisted to this day. Whether he is being handled, is on the paddock or is practising, Rocky is the epitome of prudence.

This horse, with a fine personality, keeps up just that impression when ridden. Incredibly sweet, with an unwavering self-conception and a jubilant quality about him, Rocky has, in the briefest amount of time, won all of us here at Bonhomme over with his warm, well-rounded nature. He certainly knows how to impress us with his charm.

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Forever Rock

Grey Flanell

Grey is a highly intelligent and sensitive horse and wants to be treated with respect and fairness. For Grey, nothing is more important than trust –  and if he got that, he does anything for you. His striking talent for Grand Prix, especially for piaffe and passage is absolutely amazing. He is a genius! And his offspring speak for themselves. They give prove of their talent at all events the show up.

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Grey Flanell


Maracaná is simply a stellar attraction! Seldom did a stallion combine such a magnificent quality of motion, size and imposing presence with such a pure brilliance of character, characterised by regal nobility, as does Maracaná!

Excellent mechanics, combined with a spectacular impression, as well as very active hindquarters and an unwavering pace, make the motion sequence of this stallion a type of perfection rarely seen. An inherent elasticity and cadence allow his movements to swing loosely through the body.

Maracaná makes a grand entrance with the dignity of a majestic sire. This charisma opens up, for Maracaná, a special class of sports merits. Winning the Bundeschampionat’s qualifier of six-year-old dressage horses with a score of 9.2 is something really special. When ridden, Maracaná presents himself with a lot of spirit and eagerness to learn. An inherent rideability and his situational smarts provide Maracaná with an unrivalled grasp and ability to learn.

Maracaná’s offspring are characterised by the brilliance and presence of their sire. They stand out with their undisputed strength of movement, size, and overwhelming modernity.

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Morricone gives us pleasure every day. He is a stallion with so much charisma, beauty and quality, always attentive, exemplary in handling, who looks at you curiously through his big eyes, putting a spell on you. Due to his unshakeable strength of character and his enormous intelligence – he just doesn’t like boredom – he proves his natural talent for dressage every day. Under the saddle he is constantly relaxed and concentrated, never getting distracted by the environment. He only wants to learn and implements easily what he has learned. Most of his foals are truly little copies of Morricone – from conformation to movements – there isn’t anything else to add. Frankly speaking – this wonderful stallion makes us happy every moment.

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This impressively built stallion is especially characterized by his jumping-ability. Due to his naturally extremely well-padded back and his enormously powerful push-off it seems that there aren’t any insurmountable heights. When sitting on his back you get the feeling that you could jump effortlessly over houses.

Schenkenberg is incredibly comfortable and easy to ride. In the jumping-course the rider enjoys, beside his enormous jumping-ability, especially Schenkenberg’s honesty and will to reach “the other side” of the jump – that’s definitely an absolute advantage for the rider. Among experts it is rumoured: “ That’s one to jump over the highest at all!”

The international performance-blood is a golden thread that can be traced right through the pedigree – from his sire Stolzenberg, who was himself victorious at advanced (S**) level, over the dam’s sire Montendro, who was advanced (S) level successful under Marco Kutscher, great grandsire Lord Liberty, who celebrated victories up to medium (M) level under Gilbert Böckmann despite of his early death at the age of six, as well as Ramino, who, too, was internationally successful up to advanced (S) level.

The power of genes is mirrored by Schenkenberg’s super athletic, good-framed and powerfully stepping foals without exception. Although, he himself has an impressive body his offspring are throughout noble and long-legged. Schenkenberg is especially interesting for pairing of small thoroughbred-typed mares.

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A powerhouse with a pure soul! Sixpack is a darling; you just have to like him. A dream to ride and a thoroughly committed partner in the show-jumping arena. This is a horse you can trust!

Sixpack is definitely ready to make a grand entrance with the great strength that comes from his back and hind legs. He very impressively puts his almost unlimited ability to jump at your disposal. In addition, he shows a perfect bascule when jumping, and there is also his inevitable ambition to jump without mistakes.

If you just look at Sixpack, with his majestic stature and very manly appearance, you would scarcely imagine how fine he is to ride. Handled without strength, very easy on the hand, super sensitive on the leg, and responding to the lightest weight support, Sixpack is an utter highlight, both in daily practice and in the show-jumping arena.

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This stallion combines everything that distinguishes a modern-day top performer. He is very special.  Top quality, maximum body awareness, an uncanny intellect and any amount of courage distinguish this champion.

Even when he stands on the stable lane, Zinedream impresses the onlooker with his presence. The gorgeous face and the big, sharp-witted eyes, as well as the very masculine expression, embody a grandeur which underlines Zinedream’s bold character.

To ride him is a real dream. Right from the very first day, Zinedream seemed to instinctively know what was required of him. Never gaping or timid, he at all times completes his schedule with aplomb. Absolutely awesome is his outstanding canter and his natural intelligence on the course. With incredible cohesion and always on the ascent, this stallion canters in an untouchable rhythm. The fun factor riding this classy horse is virtually infinite. Super light between hands and legs, and with an overwhelming eagerness to learn, Zinedream motivates his rider anew each day. When jumping, he is characterised by maximum elasticity and natural caution. Seldom does a horse naturally jump in such a smooth way as Zinedream does.

Zinedream’s foals are very sporty, and absolutely correctly built. Interestingly, they often please us with proper movements, also when trotting. His first offspring show themselves to be positively inspired when engaging in free jumping. Gifted with the quality, overview, and – above all – the elasticity of their dear sire, they make even the greatest jumps look like child’s play. His very contemporary and sporty appearance make Zinedream a superior, pre-destined contender for becoming a greatly-frequented sire.

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